Ultraframe UK Ltd specialises in the design and manufacture of conservatory roofing systems. Last year we manufactured more than 50,000 conservatory roofs and supplied them to a network of trade installers worldwide.
Whether you are interested in a skylight, glazed conservatory roof or a solid roof extension we have a range of roofing systems to cater for every need. All manufactured and pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on site. Supplied direct to your premises or ready for you to collect from our factory we will work with you to help provide a product tailored perfectly to your customer’s needs.
Roofing solutions to help your business grow.We are always looking for retailers and distributors around the world. Please contact us to find out more information.
CONTACT USUltraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market.
Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site.
Ultraframe roofs are cut-to-size thereby removing the need for holding any component stock
Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components.
Ultraframe roofs are easy to build and can reduce your costs of installation
Ultraframe offers an in-house Marketing Support facility for all your literature and sample requirements
Why Work With Ultraframe
Our multilingual export specialists Darryl and Corrine are on hand to help you with everything you need:
- Roof Design Service
- A quick and speedy quote turnaround
- Marketing, roof samples and showroom support
- Delivery direct to your business
Speak to us today to see how we can help.

France Export
- Ultraframe peut adapter sa gamme de produits aux besoins de votre marché.
- Ultraframe propose son logiciel baptisé "UDesign", permettant de concevoir et d’afficher en 3D des vérandas comprenant des éléments des toitures d’Ultraframe.
- Ultraframe s’assure avant la livraison, que chaque toit soit préfabriqué ou pré-monté dans notre usine, afin de garantir un montage optimal sur le site. De cette manière, vos frais d’installation sont réduits et vous n’avez plus besoin de stocker les produits.
- Ultraframe est votre partenaire de confiance : bénéficiant d’une garantie de 10 ans, chaque toit est testé d’un point de vue structurel contre la neige et le vent.
Belgium Export
- Ultraframe peut adapter sa gamme de produits aux besoins de votre marché.
- Ultraframe propose son logiciel baptisé "UDesign", permettant de concevoir et d’afficher en 3D des vérandas comprenant des éléments des toitures d’Ultraframe.
- Ultraframe s’assure avant la livraison, que chaque toit soit préfabriqué ou pré-monté dans notre usine, afin de garantir un montage optimal sur le site. De cette manière, vos frais d’installation sont réduits et vous n’avez plus besoin de stocker les produits.
- Ultraframe est votre partenaire de confiance : bénéficiant d’une garantie de 10 ans, chaque toit est testé d’un point de vue structurel contre la neige et le vent.
Germany Export
- Ultraframe kann sein Produktangebot auf den Bedarf Ihres Marktes anpassen.
- Außerdem bieten wir unsere Software UDesign für das Entwerfen und Präsentieren (in 3D) von Wintergärten mit Dachkomponenten von Ultraframe.
- Wir stellen sicher, dass jedes Dach unser Werk maßgenau verlässt und vor Ort perfekt passt. Damit senken Sie die Installationskosten und sparen sich die Lagerhaltung.
- Jedes Dach wird bautechnisch auf die Belastbarkeit durch Schnee und Wind geprüft. Diese Zuverlässigkeit und unsere 10 Jahre Garantie machen Ultraframe zur optimalen Lösung.
Neuer deutscher Retail Flyer jetzt als Download verfügbar!
Holland Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Russian Export
- Компания Ultraframe может привести ассортимент своей продукции в соответствие потребностям вашего рынка.
- Компания Ultraframe предлагает свое программное обеспечение UDesign для проектирования и демонстрации (в 3-мерном формате) теплиц с элементами кровельной системы Ultraframe.
- Компания Ultraframe следит за тем, чтобы перед отправкой каждая крыша предварительно собиралась на нашем заводе, что обеспечивает идеальную подгонку ее деталей перед монтажом на теплице заказчика. Это также снижает затраты клиента на монтаж и исключает потребность в хранении элементов крыши.
- Проверка прочности конструкции каждой крыши на соответствие снеговой и ветровой нагрузке, а также 10-летняя гарантия дают уверенность в том, что предлагаемое компанией Ultraframe решение является наилучшим.
Czech Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Ukraine Export
Hungary Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Poland Export
- Ultraframe może dostosować swoją gamę produktów do potrzeb Państwa rynku.
- Ultraframe udostępnia swoje oprogramowanie - Udesign - służące do projektowania i prezentacji oranżerii wykorzystujących komponenty dachowe firmy Ultraframe (w 3D).
- Ultraframe dba o takie prefabrykowanie lub przygotowanie każdego dachu przed wysyłką, które zapewnia idealne dopasowanie na miejscu montażu . Redukuje to koszty instalacji i eliminuje konieczność magazynowania produktów.
- Konstrukcja każdego dachu jest sprawdzana pod kątem odporności na obciążenie śniegiem i wiatrem. Wraz z 10-letnią gwarancją daje to Państwu pewność, że Ultraframe zapewni im najlepsze rozwiązanie.
Slovakia Export
- Spoločnosť ULTRAFRAME môže svoj sortiment výrobkov prispôsobiť tak, aby vyhovoval potrebám vášho trhu.
- Spoločnosť ULTRAFRAME ponúka svoj softvér UDesign pre navrhovanie a prezentáciu (trojrozmernú) zimných záhrad so strešnými súčasťami ULTRAFRAME.
- Spoločnosť ULTRAFRAME dbá na to, aby každá strecha bola pred expedovaním predbežne zmontovaná a predbežne postavená v našom výrobnom závode s cieľom zabezpečiť dokonalú montáž na mieste. Znižuje to tiež vaše náklady na montáž a odstraňuje nutnosť udržiavať zásoby.
- Každá konštrukcia strechy, ktorá prešla kontrolou ohľadne záťaží snehom a vetrom, spolu s 10-ročnou zárukou vám dáva istotu, že spoločnosť ULTRAFRAME poskytuje najlepšie riešenie. Ak máte záujem o ďalšie informácie, pošlite e-mail na adresu : export@ultraframe.co.uk
Cyprus Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Iceland Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Usa & South America
Usa Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock
Japan Export
- Ultraframe can adapt it’s product range to suit the needs of your market
- Ultraframe offers it’s UDesign software for the design and presentation (in 3D) of conservatories incorporating Ultraframe roofing components
- Ultraframe ensures that before despatch every roof is pre-fabricated or pre-built in our factory to ensure a perfect fit on-site. It also reduces your costs of installation and removes the need for holding stock

Export Installation Gallery

Contact Us
If you have any questions please don't hesistate to get in touch below, or contact us directly.